Research fellowships, grants and awards
2024-2027 "Photoredox catalysis with organic anions – perspective area for flavin derivatives" Grant No. 2023/05/Y/ST4/00062 Weave-UNISONO from National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). 2021-2025 "Tailoring flavins for organic photocatalysis" Grant No. 2020/02/Y/ST4/00042 CEUS-UNISONO from National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). 2018-2021 "Flavin based tools for monitoring and controling redox environment in cell" Grant No. 2017/27/B/ST4/02494 OPUS from National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). 2024-2026 Graduate Co-mentor of Northwest Normal University, China. 2020-2024 Graduate Co-mentor of Northwest Normal University, China. 2013-2016 Grant No. 2012/05/B/ST4/01207 from National Science Centre, Poland (NCN). 2007-2010 Grant No. N N204 2659 33 from the MNiSW, Poland. Editor of Industrial Technology and Engineering journal. Member of editorial board; ISRN Physical Chemistry journal. Member of editorial board; The Baqai Journal of Health Science. Member of editorial board; Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of Organizing committee, session chairman, lecture, Molecules and Light 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011 Zakopane, and 2023 Krakow Poland. Plenary Lecture - International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering, 20.-22.07.2016, Rome, Italy. Invited Lecture - Instytut für Experimentalle und Angewandte Physik, Regensburg, Germany, 08-11.05.2016. Invited Lecture - International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, 20-23.03.2015, Athens, Greece. Oral presentation, 27th International Conference on Photochemistry, 26.06.-05.07.2015, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea. Session Chairman, oral presentation, 26th IUPAC Symposiun on Photochemistry, 02-09.04.2016, Osaka Japan. Visit and invited lectures in Czech Republic 5.08.-03.09. 2014, 11.-14.12. 2014 oraz 4.12.-6.12.2015, Departament of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague. Invited lecture series, - Kazachstan 06-23.06.2014, MO Auezov South Kazachstan State University, Shymkent. 2007 Media cover of our research 2005-2006 - The interdisciplinary grant from A. Mickiewicz University and University of Medicine, Poznań, Poland. 2005-2006 - The interdisciplinary grant from A. Mickiewicz University and University of Economics, Poznań, Poland, co-author of the project. 2005 - PPS cover from the June issue to our paper M. Insinska-Rak, E. Sikorska, J. R. Herance, J. L. Bourdelande, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Kubicki, W. Prukala, I. F. Machado, A. Komasa, L. F. V. Ferreira and M. Sikorski, Spectroscopy and photophysics of flavin-related compounds: 3-benzyl-lumiflavin, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2005, 4, 463-468. 2005 - our paper E. Sikorska, I. V. Khmelinskii, A. Komasa, J. Koput, L. F. V. Ferreira, J. R. Herance , J. L. Bourdelande, S. L. Williams, D. R. Worrall, M. Insinska-Rak and M. Sikorski, Spectroscopy and photophysics of flavin related compounds: riboflavin and iso-(6,7)-riboflavin, Chem. Phys., 2005, 314, 239-247, on ScienceDirect TOP25 list of most read articles from Chemical Physics. 2004-2006 - The grant from Polish State Committee for Scientific Research, No. 2P06T 112 26, co-author of the project. 2003-2004 - The interdisciplinary grant from A. Mickiewicz University and University of Economics, Poznań, Poland, co-author of the project. 2001-2002 - The interdisciplinary grant from A. Mickiewicz University and University of Economics, Poznań, Poland, co-author of the project. 2000 - Journal grant for international authors, The Royal Society of Chemistry. 1998-1999 - The Fulbright Fellowship for Seniors, University of Notre Dame, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Notre Dame, IN 45556, (Prof. J. K. Thomas). 1997-1999 - The research grant from British Council and KBN - British/Polish Joint Research Collaboration Programme: 1997 - 1999. Project leader with Prof. F. Wilkinson. 1998 - Journal grant for international authors, The Royal Society of Chemistry. 1998 - present - Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for Internet Photochemistry and Photobiology, England. 1997-1998 - The interdisciplinary grant from A. Mickiewicz University and K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Science, Poznań, Poland, co-author of the project. 1997 - The research grant from Foundation for Polish Science - FASTKIN, co-author of the project. (see http://main.amu.edu.pl/~zek/femto.htm ) 1995-1996 The Royal Society and Foreign & Commonwealth Office Postdoctoral Fellowship. Loughborough University, Loughborough, England (Prof. F. Wilkinson). 1995 - The Research grant from UAM, Poznań, Poland. 1994 - The Award for the PhD Thesis from Faculty of Chemistry, UAM, Poznań, Poland, 1991, 1993 - The Awards of the Rector of the A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland,