  • Sikorska, E.; Gorecki, T.; Khmelinskii, I.; Sikorski, M., Evaluation of beer aging using its autofluorescence. In Proceedings of the Second International Humulus Symposium, DeKeukeleire, D. H. K. E., Ed. 2009; Vol. 848, pp 299-306.
  • Sikorska, E.; Khmelinski, I.; Sikorski, M., Fluorescence methods for analysis of beer. In Beer in health and disease prevention, Preedy, V. R., Ed. Elsevier/Academic Press: 2008; pp 963-976.
  • Sikorska, E.; Glisuzynska-Swiglo, A.; Insinska-Rak, M.; Khmelinskii, I.; De Keukeleire, D.; Sikorski, M., Simultaneous analysis of riboflavin and aromatic amino acids in beer using fluorescence and multivariate calibration methods. Anal. Chim. Acta 2008, 613, 207-217.
  • Sikorska, E.; Chmielewski, J.; Gorecki, T.; Khmelinskii, I.; Sikorski, M.; De Keukeleire, D., Discrimination of beer flavours by analysis of volatiles using the mass spectrometer as an electronic nose. J. Inst. Brew. 2007, 113, 110-116.
  • M. Insińska-Rak, E. Sikorska., I. Czerwińska, A. Kruzińska, and M. Sikorski, Fluorescence spectroscopy for analysis of beer, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2007, 57, 239-243.
  • J. Chmielewski, E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, I. Khmelinskii, and M. Sikorski, Evaluation of beer aging using an electronic nose, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2007, 57, 91-93.
  • E. Sikorska, J. Chmielewski, T. Gorecki, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski and D. De Keukeleire, Discrimination of beer flavours by analysis of volatiles using the mass spectrometer as an electronic nose, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2007, 113, 110-116.
  • E. Sikorska, A. Gliszczynska-Swiglo, M. Insinska-Rak, I. V. Khmelinskii and M. Sikorski, Green chemistry approach to food analysis. Determination of riboflavin in beer in Current Trends in Commodity Science, II, (eds. R. Zielinski and D. Wieczorek), The Poznan University of Economics Publishing House, Poznan, 2007, pp. 983-988.
  • E. Sikorska, T. Gorecki, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski and D. De Keukeleire, Monitoring beer during storage by fluorescence spectroscopy, Food Chem., 2006, 96, 632-639.
  • J. Chmielewski, E. Sikorska, T. Gorecki, I. V. Khmelinskii, G. Nowacka, M. Sikorski and J. Koziol, Discrimination of beer flavours by headspace - mass spectrometer artificial nose in Current trends in commodity science, 2, (ed. R. Zielinski), Poznan University of Economics Press, Poznan, 2005, pp. 955-960.
  • E. Sikorska, M. Grochola, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Insinska-Rak, G. Nowacka and M. Sikorski, Riboflavin content in beer and its changes upon illumination in Current trends in commodity science, 2, (ed. R. Zielinski), Poznan University of Economics Press, Poznan, 2005, pp. 1202-1207.
  • E. Sikorska, M. Grochola, I.V. Khmelinskii, A. Krawczyk, M. Sikorski. „Exploratory analysis of the intrinsic beer fluorescence.” w  “Annals of the Polish Chemical Society” PTCh Poznań; 2005, II, 131-134
  • E. Sikorska, M. Grochola, J. Chmielewski, J. Kozioł, A. Krawczyk, G. Nowacka, I.V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski. „Changes in beer properties upon irradiation.” w  “Annals of the Polish Chemical Society” PTCh Poznań; 2005, II, 194-197
  • E. Sikorska, T. Gorecki, I. V. Khmelinskii and M. Sikorski, Investigation of beers by synchronous scanning fluorescence spectroscopy in Focusing new century - commodity trade environment, 1, (eds. W. Rong, Y. Changju, J. Min, L. Jianghua, F. Xuzhe, L. Liqin, L. Jiajie, K. Zhenwang, C. Song and Z. Yan), China Agriculture Press, Beijing, 2004, pp. 167-171.
  • E. Sikorska, T. Gorecki, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski and D. De Keukeleire, Fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization and differentiation of beers, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2004, 110, 267-275.
  • Sikorska, E.; Chmielewski, J.; Kozioł, J.; Khmelinskii, I. V.; Herance, R.; Bourdelande, J. L.; Sikorski, M. Photo-Induced Features of Some Lager Beers. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2003, 53, 113.



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