  • A. Wojciak, H. Kasprzyk, I. V. Khmelinskii, A. Krawczyk, A. S. Oliveira, L. F. V. Ferreira, A. Weselucha-Birczynska and M. Sikorski, Direct characterisation of hydrogen peroxide bleached thermomechanical pulp using spectroscopic methods, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2007, 111, 10530-10536.
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  • Sikorski, M.; Jasiewicz, B.; Wojciak, A.; Khmelinskii, I. V.; Bourdelande, J. L.; Sikorska, E. Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Its Applications. Trends in Physical Chemistry 2003, 9, 103-117.
  • Wojciak, A.; Sikorski, M.; Gonzalez-Moreno, R.; Bourdelande, J. L.; Wilkinson, F. The Use of Diffuse-Reflectance Laser-Flash Photolysis to Study the Photochemistry of the Kraft Pulp Treated with Hydrogen Peroxide under Alkaline and Acidic Conditions. Wood Science and Technology . 2002. 3, 187-195.
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